Typing Speed Calculator



Words Per Minute
Words Per Minute

Understanding Typing Speed Metrics

Words Per Minute (WPM)
WPM measures how many words you can type in one minute. A “word” is standardized as 5 keystrokes, making it a consistent measure regardless of actual word length.
Characters Per Minute (CPM)
CPM counts the actual number of characters typed per minute, including spaces and punctuation. It’s a raw measure of typing speed without word-length standardization.
Accuracy percentage shows how many characters you typed correctly out of all characters typed. High accuracy is often more important than raw speed.

Typing Speed Benchmarks

Skill Level WPM Range Description
Beginner 10-30 WPM Hunt-and-peck typing style, looking at keyboard frequently
Average 31-50 WPM Basic touch typing skills, moderate keyboard familiarity
Above Average 51-80 WPM Good touch typing proficiency, minimal keyboard viewing
Professional 81-100 WPM Fast, accurate typing with excellent technique
Expert 100+ WPM Advanced typing skills, typically achieved by professional typists

Tips to Improve Your Typing Speed

Maintain Proper Posture
Sit straight with feet flat on the floor. Keep your wrists elevated and fingers curved over the home row keys.
Use All Fingers
Learn proper finger placement and practice using all fingers instead of relying on just a few.
Focus on Accuracy First
Build accuracy before speed. Slow down if needed to maintain high accuracy, then gradually increase your pace.
Practice Regularly
Set aside time for daily typing practice. Even 15 minutes per day can lead to significant improvements.
Use Touch Typing
Learn to type without looking at the keyboard. This skill is essential for achieving higher typing speeds.
Track Progress
Regularly test your typing speed and keep track of improvements to stay motivated and identify areas for growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a good typing speed?
A typing speed of 50-70 WPM is considered good for most professional settings. However, the required speed can vary depending on your specific needs and profession.
How is WPM calculated?
WPM is calculated by taking the total number of characters typed (including spaces) divided by 5 (standard word length) and then divided by the time taken in minutes.
How long does it take to improve typing speed?
With regular practice, you can see noticeable improvements in 2-4 weeks. However, reaching expert levels (100+ WPM) typically requires several months of dedicated practice.
Why is accuracy important?
High accuracy reduces the need for corrections, which ultimately saves time. In professional settings, accuracy is often more crucial than raw speed to maintain quality and professionalism.
How often should I practice typing?
Daily practice of 15-30 minutes is recommended for consistent improvement. Regular, shorter practice sessions are more effective than occasional long sessions.